1. This website is developed and maintained by Radhakrishna Kuries Limited, a company in Radhakrishna Group at Guruvayur.
  2. You cannot access the site unless you have read and agreed to the conditions mentioned hereunder. The main goal of this website is to inform customers about the company, the Chit Fund operations, the payment gateway, the online auction and the rules.
  3. To enter into agreements and use the site's services, customers must be Indian citizens who can legally do so. To resolve any disputes arising out of any eventuality related to or attributable to the information posted on the site or sites linked to this site, visitors, users, and members must submit to and subject themselves to Indian law and the jurisdiction of the courts that have territorial jurisdiction over the location of the branch office offering or providing the services.
  4. Only subscribers to Radhakrishna Kuries Limited's chits may utilise the site membership for their own personal, single, and exclusive usage. The subscriber is not permitted to grant anyone access to his rights or privileges. Before granting access to the website or membership, Radhakrishna Kuries Limited may, in its sole discretion, require applicants to provide documentation of their identity, chit reference, age, place of residence, nationality, income, security, solvency, and other information.
  5. Without affecting the user's legal rights as a chit subscriber, Radhakrishna Kuries Limited reserves the unrestricted right to terminate any membership of the website at any time and without providing any justification. The member who loses their membership to the website in this way has no legal recourse against Radhakrishna Kuries Limited over services offered on the website.
  6. In relation to the content displayed on the website, visitors or customers shall not send abusive, threatening, coercive, harassing, indecent, or obscene emails to the other members or Directors or the staff of Radhakrishna Kuries Limited.
  7. The officers, employees, or agents of Radhakrishna Kuries Limited stand indemnified against any claims, losses, damages, costs, or expenditures that a user of the site may have incurred or is anticipated to have incurred as a result of accessing the site.
  8. The customers must provide information that is accurate, genuine, pertinent, legitimate, current, and fair. To substantiate the information provided, the members shall offer proof as may be required by Radhakrishna Kuries Limited.
  9. Radhakrishna Kuries Limited also disclaims all warranties, express or implied, for any disruption, interruption, or failure of the website or the services it provides.
  10. Radhakrishna Kuries Limited maintains the right to make any changes for the betterment and quality enhancement of the content presented on the site, including additions, adjustments, modifications, insertions, enhancements, and decorations. Customers must also agree to any changes that may be made to the content in order for it to be compatible with technological advancements. They must also agree, without reservation, to any modifications that Radhakrishna Kuries Limited may deem necessary. Customers must also provide any information or materials that may be needed for the site to be updated or upgraded in light of technological advancements.
  11. The information that has been entrusted to the members by Radhakrishna Kuries Limited in good faith must be kept confidential. They must also keep passwords, One-Time Passwords (OTP), Chit reference numbers, and other information strictly confidential if it is given to members only. No matter how unintentional or innocent, Radhakrishna Kuries Limited disclaims all liability for any misuse of members' passwords, OTPs, or chit reference numbers resulting from the disclosure of such information
  12. Any technological issues at the participant's end that may affect his participation in the online auction are not the responsibility of the company or the foreman. If a participant gets disconnected during the auction for whatever reason, viz a bad internet connection, the company or the foremen is not responsible for it.
  13. It is recommended NOT to visit auction room 5 minutes before commencement auction.
  14. By checking the box above, you are giving permission to third-party merchants to contact you to confirm your KYC information or online payment and accepting the terms and conditions.

Welcome to RK Chits, where trust is our currency, innovation propels us forward, and a united community paves the path to prosperity.